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The SecurityBridge global team meets in Bavaria!

Raffaella Ronzi
Digital Marketing Manager
August 7, 2023
4 min read

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From July 17th to 21st, 2023, our SecurityBridge global team gathered at our central office in Bavaria for an unforgettable All-Employee Meetup. Read on to discover the recap of that thrilling week! 

🌎 Monday - Reconnecting across borders

A big part of our team, consisting of 21 people, gathered at our main office located in Ingolstadt, Germany.

The most recent internal company event happened before the Covid pandemic started, in 2019. Some of us had never met in person before, and everybody was excited to meet their colleagues in real life, after spending such a long time working remotely.

We came from different sides of the globe: some from the US, some from Ukraine, Belgium, the Netherlands, and different German cities. A few others, already residing in Ingolstadt, were already regular officegoers. Regarding that! It’s worth mentioning that we have a brand-new and much bigger office, that was recently upgraded.

After completing some work and engaging in initial conversations, we all headed to a traditional Beer Garden and enjoyed dinner together with some Käsespätzle, Schnitzel, Schweinebraten, Kaiserschmarrn.. and whatever Bavarian delicacy you can imagine!

All-Employee Meetup - day 1

💪 Tuesday - Unlocking Success together!

Our second day was dedicated to working together, brainstorming ideas, and discussing solutions. Our management organized an interactive workshop where everyone contributed their thoughts on enhancing internal communication and processes during the growth phase we are currently experiencing. After some pizzas, every team presented the result of their brainstorming sessions. The discussions were enlightening, helping us identify and tackle individual and team challenges more efficiently.

At six we gathered at a bowling alley where we had some tasty burgers and salads, enjoyed friendly competition, and strengthened the bonds within our team. Marc Eisenhardt and our CEO Christoph Nagy were the champions of the evening, scoring more points than anyone else!

All-Employee Meetup - day 2

🐟 Wednesday - A trip to the Spitzingsee lake

The highlight of the week was a thrilling day trip to the picturesque Spitzingsee Lake. We embarked on a hiking adventure, exploring the breathtaking landscapes and bonding over shared memories and laughter. We did face some hiccups with the driver, and the weather was a bit unpredictable, but we didn’t let that stop us. We took a break in a lovely local restaurant for coffee and lunch, and once the sun came back, we started our hiking journey, led by our CEO. The path was mostly plain and accessible to anyone, circumnavigating the gorgeous lake and gifting some lovely views. Of course, we also stopped along the way for delicious food and refreshing Bavarian beer! 

Once back in Ingolstadt, we had a delicious TexMex dinner at a local restaurant.  

All-Employee Meetup - day 3

🏰 Thursday - Farewell Day

Our last day together was also packed with discussions and brainstorming sessions. And guess what? We had a surprise photo session with a professional photographer! We will disclose the pictures very soon, but we can say that it was a success. Later, we had our All-Employee quarterly meeting, where every team shared their incredible achievements for Q2.

As the farewell night approached, we took a journey through the history of Ingolstadt, guided by a local expert. We learned some interesting facts – Ingolstadt is a well-preserved ancient town that’s over a thousand years old, is home to the oldest university in Bavaria, and it’s even the setting of Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”! Plus, it’s famous for the automobile industry and has some mysterious ties to the Bavarian Illuminati. A fun quirk – there’s a fountain that spills beer once a week!

After a tasty Thai dinner, we had beers in a couple of pubs in the city, making memories until it was time to say our goodbyes. On Friday, some of us went back to work at the office, while others headed home already in the morning. 

A few of our team members couldn’t, unfortunately, join our All-Employee Meetup this time, but we’re hopeful to meet them at our next gathering. While we appreciate the advantages of remote work’s flexibility, we realize the importance of face-to-face interactions and in-person discussions – and we can’t wait for our next adventure! Where will we go next time? The bets are now open!

All-Employee Meetup - day 4